The slash command's information object. This defines the command's properties, as well as the data builder for the slash command.



aliases?: string[]

Aliases for this command.

Default Value


dataBuilder: Partial<SlashCommandBuilder>

The data builder for this slash command.

description: string

The command's description.

emoji?: string

An emoji that represents the command. This is used by the default HelpCommand.

Default Value


group: string

The ID of the group that this command is registered to.

guildOnly?: boolean

Whether the command may only be used in a guild.

Default Value


name: string

The command's name.

nsfw?: boolean

Whether this command may only be used in a NSFW channel.

Default Value


ownerOnly?: boolean

Whether the command may only be used by the client's owner.

Default Value


ownerOverride?: boolean

Whether the bot's owner can execute this command even if they don't have the required permissions.

Default Value


userPermissions?: PermissionResolvable

The permissions resolvable that defines the permissions that a user requires to execute this command.

Default Value


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