The options used to create a Localizer.


  • LocalizerOptions


dataProviderKey?: string

The key used to save the value of the locale set per guild in the client's data provider (if any).

Default Value


defaultLocale: string

The default locale to be used in case a guild does not have its locale set in the client's data provider. You should set a data provider before setting this up so the guild's locale can be saved persistently.

localeStrings: Record<string, Record<string, string>>

An object that maps the name of the locale to another object that contains all the available messages mapped by their keys. The messages should follow a ICU standard, for more information on how to structure these messages, please visit the following link.

The following is an example of how to structure this object:

en: {
'message.test.hello': 'Hello',
'message.test.bye': 'Bye',
'message.test.with_value': 'Hello {name}!'
es: {
'message.test.hello': 'Hola',
'message.test.bye': 'Adios',
'message.test.with_value': 'Hola {name}!'
fr: {
'message.test.hello': 'Bonjour',
'message.test.bye': 'Au revoir',
'message.test.with_value': 'Bonjour {name}!'

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